Passion to Inspire Competition
Tuesday 24th April 2011 Colchester Institute “ A Passion to Inspire “ Final
Firstly well done to each and very Student that has taken part this year , the feedback I have had from the food produced, service and attitude towards the event , let alone the skill test ( thank you Anglia Free Range Eggs ) this year has been fantastic .
You should all be very proud of yourselves .
Thank you to Colchester Institute, Ian Perkins , Jon Pratt , all the staff in the Hospitality Department and the students ( who with big smiles , mucked in to help all the visiting colleges) for holding the event , Brilliant !!
Thank you to all the Judges who have helped through out this years event , on behalf of “ A Passion to Inspire “ thank you all , any feedback you can give please e-mail me, I look forward to working with you next year
Shara Ross ( Hotel Felix ) , Nick Mills ( Brasted’s ) , Paul Boorman ( Wivenhoe House ) , Phil Thompson ( Brocket Hall ) , Paul Foster ( Tuddenham Mill) and Mark Poynton ( Restaurant Alimentum ) thank you for your help with the final it was a tough decision in the end , and I know that with your comments how impressed you were with the food the students produced .
Thank you all for your support with produce and invites for all the colleges and students to your businesses and your involvement and offer of coming into colleges to Inspire the students.
Thank you to each and every one of you the students were over whelmed ,. Students and Lecturers please note I would like a report and pictures of your prizes !!
Thank you to Jamie Maxwell and to Caterer and Hotelkeeper for their support.
Please contact Jamie on www.jamiemaxwellphotography.co.uk I am sure he will forward you any pictures you require from the final , he is away from next Wednesday , thank you Jamie
Winners - plus the college get a plate for the team finishing first from Steelite plates and the prizes in red the lecturers can go as well !!!!!
Bethany Jemison and Dylan Massey Ryan won ( besides the Title of winners ) Colchester Institute
Steve Smith – Burlington Restaurant - Devonshire Arms – Bolton Abbey
One week stage for two with accommodation and food at the highly acclaimed Michelin Starred Burlington Restaurant in Yorkshire.
A team will get the opportunity to work with Steve Smith, one of the most innovative Chefs in the U.K. The Burlington Restaurant is in the beautiful Devonshire Arms Hotel situated in Skipton, North Yorkshire. On arrival of your stage the team and lecturer will be invited to enjoy a meal in the Michelin Starred Burlington Restaurant itself
(Travel to and from Yorkshire is not included )
Skills for Chefs
Three tickets to the Skills for Chefs Conference to include accommodation and food for the two students and a lecturer ( There is also the optional to purchase tickets for the gala Dinner and receive an extra nights free accommodation )
A team will be invited, along with a lecturer, to attend this amazing 2 day Conference. This exclusive annual event has only 180 tickets available. The students will be literally rubbing shoulders with industry giants like Kenny Atkinson, Adam Simmonds , Galton Blackiston, Alan Murchison, Ben Spalding , Mick Burke and Paul Foster watching them demonstrate in special Skill workshops as well as Skills for service .
( Travel to and from the event is not included )
Restaurant Alimentum
Prestige menu with Mark Poynton , a fantastic opportunity to sample one of the most exciting up and coming Chefs in Great Britain .
2nd place - A plate for the college to keep and from Steelite plates West Suffolk College
Mia Claydon and Thomas Garwood , won
Phil Thompson – Auberge du Lac - Brocket Hall
One weeks stage with one of the regions most highly rated Chefs Phil Thompson who gained a Michelin star in 2009 and has kept it since. Working in the Auberge du Lac Hertfordshire’s only Michelin star restaurant will give 2 of the students ( whether kitchen of front of house ) a fantastic opportunity to see and learn … and maybe a fantastic career !
This includes accommodation and a meal for the students in the Michelin star Kitchen
3rd Place James Drury and Rachel Speak – Colchester institute ,
Dingley Dell
A team of students are being invited to produce a pork dish ..
The dish will be developed to go on a menu for one of Dingley Dells Flying visits (www.dingleydell.com/flyingvisits )
The students will be cooking for about 50cv and attendees will include food journalists , chefs and restaurateurs , the students will develop their dish, cook and serve it along side the likes of Mark Poynton, Paul Foster, Madelene Bonvini-Hamel and William Curley .
Also they won the Skill test and received from Freedom Food and Anglia Free Range Eggs ( please mention them )
Freedom Food
A fantastic day arranged by them , a days venture to a farm in Dorset , Brookfield Farm in Dorset , a trip across the farm, meet the animals and farmer David Tory, Lunch in a local restaurant ( who use their Rose Veal ) and petrol expenses !
Fourth Place Hannah Garner and Simon Slack Cambridge Regional College
Stoke Sauces
Rick Sheepshanks wants to give one of the teams from the final the opportunity to see the in site into food technology and development , the team has accommodation for 1 night and 2 days working with Rick and his team at Stoke Sauces . The Students both received a set of Japanese Knives ( I think most of the judges were very jealous !! )
All the students received fantastic jackets and Aprons from Richard Russum at Russums , certificates and signed menus from the Judges and specially created plates that all the students served their food on from Anil Parker at Steelite plates
Special thanks to The Master Chefs of Great Britain, The Craft of Guild of Chefs , The Association of Pasty Chefs , Infusions for Chefs, Callebaut Chocolate, Gourmet Classic and First Contact Chefs